Amazingly, Indians created ALOT of things that we take for granted today. I will now shed the light on several things that Indians invented and discovered, things which we don't know were invented by Indians.
Firstly, the autocannon, othrewise called the SHOTGUN.
Indians SINGLE-HANDEDLY changed the method of warfare by inventing the shotgun.
Next, the BUTTON!!! That's right, Indians invented the button. they changed the way we dress, all by themselves.
Indians also discovered iron, steel, and mercury!!!!! What would we do without those essential metals??!!!
How many of you play chess? Because, Indians invented CHESS!!!!!!
They invented DENTAL SURGERY!!!!!!
They found diamonds!!!
They invented DICE!!!!!!!
Hospitals were created by Indians!!!!!
They also invented ZERO!!!PI!!!!THE DECIMAL SYSTEM!!!!!!
Finally, they invented...............PAJAMAS!!!!!!
Indians also invented many more things, but i have no space to write them ALL down.......