Sunday, July 31, 2011

Blog Prompt 3: Money in Matrimony

In your opinion, is money important in a relationship? Consider the 'transactional' element observed in the relationships between the couples. Do you think there is an upward trend of relationships and marriages valuing money over other qualities? Provide examples for your responses.

In my opinion, i feel that money is important in a relationship to a certain extent, although the true nature of marriage is love. Now, there is more focus on the 'love' factor between couples instead of the 'money' factor of the couple. In the past though, there was more focus in the 'money' factor of any potential spouse. In "Merchant Of Venice", Bassanio borrows money from Antonio to court Portia, to cover his expenses to Belmont as well as to impress her into marrying him, although later they both expressed that their "love at first sight". However, there have been cases of true found in Lorenzo and Jessica, although Jessica devises a cunning plot to "make fast the doors and gild myself with some more ducats, and be with you straight", showing how money can buy happiness to a certain extent.

Now, there are still people who marry out of money. These people are like parasites; they get attached to a 'host' and start taking the money, without giving them anything in return. In my opinion, that is not the way for any marriage. Marriage is a union of not only personal wealth, but also of hearts and minds. The warmth felt through mutual love for each other cannot be bought with money. However, money is still needed to live a comfortable life and to provide for one's basic needs. I feel that there isn't an upward trend of relationships and marriages valuing money over other qualities. Rather, i feel that now is the opposite, with love and other qualities taking priority over personal wealth. Still, now all marriages try to strike a balance between the two- they look for a mate whom they understand, appreciate, and admire, but also wish to be secure and comfortable financially so that they can enjoy their marriage more.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Blog Prompt 2: How has war evolved from the past to the present?

For centuries, Man has always tried to take what He wanted through force. Be it using stone clubs and spears in the Stone Age, to using guns and tanks now, there is always the same pattern, repeated over the eons, just changed in the forms they take. The pattern if war is the same - senseless killing, and the ruin or weakening of all involved. During any war, it just shows that Man is letting his heart rule his mind, labeling massacres and bloodshed with honor and valour, backing them with causes he deems "worthwhile", fueling the ever burning furnace of war and hatred.

As the years pass, Man has become cleverer but not wiser. They make better and more destructive and effective weapons, instead of trying to put out the same ever burning furnace of war and hatred handed down by their ancestors so many eons ago. One does not see Man trying to end the cycle of war and hatred. One only sees how the first men fought with primitive spears of wood and sharp stone, clubs of stone and wood. And following that, swords and spears, forged from the very elements of the Earth, their potential for destruction higher than ever. Human ingenuity has followed up by spawning various weapons such as the cannon, developed with the discovery of gunpowder, and the chariot, pulled by beasts tamed by man for the sole purpose of war. And as the modern age approached, Man's furnace of hatred and war burned fiercer than ever before. Man's once ornate armour of bronze was transformed to camouflage uniforms of Kevlar, their steel arrows were replaced by pellets of lead and tin, not to mention heat-seeking missiles of mass destruction. The once proud steeds and mounts of war were transformed into machines with pelts of titanium and steel, shooting fire and death.

The destructive potential of these weapons and hence the burning furnace constantly increases as mankind adds its emerging technology to its already large arsenal of weapons to further boost its capacity for destruction and ruin. The advancement of technology has accelerated the destructiveness of human modern warfare to unacceptable and irrational levels, all the while causing the flames of War and Hatred to burn and destroy the lives of countless.

Monday, July 18, 2011

The Soldier - Rupert Brooke reflection (Blog Prompt 1)

1)Why do you think National Service is compulsory in Singapore and why is this important?

Ans: As Singapore is a country with a small population, Singapore cannot afford to maintain a large standing army. Therefore the solution would be to train every male in the population and call upon them to form our army during times of war. Having our own defence is important as Singapore is an independent country, and we cannot rely on others to defend us.

2)Do you have the same spirit of patriotism as the soldier in the poem towards Singapore? Why?

Ans:Yes. Singapore is my mother country, where i was raised and shaped into what i am now. Therefore, in Singapore's time of need, i am obliged to return to the country what the country has given me. It would be ungrateful of me if i were to abandon my country when she needs my help most.

3)Do you consider yourself as a patriot to your country?

Ans:No, i do not consider myself as a patriot to my country. I still do not have such a strong bond with my country that i would do anything for it. I would still think of myself first, then my country. However, there may come a time when a really strong bond is forged between my country and i, and i would do anything for it.