Monday, July 18, 2011

The Soldier - Rupert Brooke reflection (Blog Prompt 1)

1)Why do you think National Service is compulsory in Singapore and why is this important?

Ans: As Singapore is a country with a small population, Singapore cannot afford to maintain a large standing army. Therefore the solution would be to train every male in the population and call upon them to form our army during times of war. Having our own defence is important as Singapore is an independent country, and we cannot rely on others to defend us.

2)Do you have the same spirit of patriotism as the soldier in the poem towards Singapore? Why?

Ans:Yes. Singapore is my mother country, where i was raised and shaped into what i am now. Therefore, in Singapore's time of need, i am obliged to return to the country what the country has given me. It would be ungrateful of me if i were to abandon my country when she needs my help most.

3)Do you consider yourself as a patriot to your country?

Ans:No, i do not consider myself as a patriot to my country. I still do not have such a strong bond with my country that i would do anything for it. I would still think of myself first, then my country. However, there may come a time when a really strong bond is forged between my country and i, and i would do anything for it.

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