Monday, August 1, 2011

Blog Prompt 4 Letter by Sec 4 Student

1) To what extent do you agree with the issues that the student has raised here? Point out some issues of agreement and possible contention.


 Ans: To a large extent, i agree with the student. Most of the subjects in school stifle creativity. Most of them require memorizing information and memorizing how to apply them. Not that it is bad, but i feel that there are not enough subjects to promote creativity and questioning. For example, the subject Art, promotes creativity but there is very little emphasis on it, so no one gives it priority. All the subjects tested in exams like Maths, Science, English, History, Geography, all these are 'memorizing' subjects, with the exception of the language subjects. They do not promote creativity and questioning, and only require one the memorize the facts and application. I feel that she has raised a valid point in our education system, and that is "do we do enough in our education to instill creativity and inquisitiveness in our students?"

2) Examine her tone and attitude in this letter. Do you think it’s a well-crafted letter with the appropriate tone? 


Ans: I do not think that the tone used is appropriate. Her tone is as if she was the minister's superior, as if she had the right to tell the minister off. After all, she is talking to the minister. Even if the minister was wrong, one has to put across in a polite manner. Her letter was correct grammatically, but the tone used in it was not.

3)If you should write a letter to Minister of Education, what are some issues you would raise? Remember- your intention is to make the system better for society’s betterment via CONSTRUCTIVE ideas.


Ans:I would raise the fact that not all the subjects we learn is applicable in real life and that we should learn skills that really help us to be successful is life. I would also raise the fact that teachers should not judge their students just based on their marks and reduce the importance of test marks


  1. I totally agree with part 2 where you stated that her tone is not appropriate as after all, the education minister is her senior and superior i also agree when you said that her tone is
    " as if she had the right to tell the minister off. After all, she is talking to the minister. Even if the minister was wrong, one has to put across in a polite manner"
    As the bible quoted that "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?", she should be more sensible than openly criticising the minister

  2. Regarding your 1st response, I agree that there is a need to memorise fact in all of the core subjects, except the case of Literature and Chinese. Rather unfortunately, Science, Math and Humanities are the subjects that you need to look into as skills when you take up a successful job in the future, like a doctor(biology), engineer(Math), Geologist(Geography), Historian(History), among many other jobs. However, I cannot deny that that are other jobs that just need the languages and arts like a linguist, a fashion designer, a musician, etc.

    In response to your 2nd comment, you need to take into consideration that she is still young, frustrated and therefore a little hot-headed. I mean, as a teenager, would be frustrated with life sometimes? I guess this how she felt when writing this letter. She might have gotten a little carried away, but at least we can see the sincerity the student has for the education minister.

    As for your response to your 3rd question, I believe that all the subjects are relevant to our future careers. It is just a matter of what kind of line you wish to work in in the future. However, I do agree that the importance of academics can be lowered slightly to empathise that character is as important as academic education. :)

  3. I agree that she seems to be telling off the minister. The minister is of a higher status compared to her and should be treated with more respect. Furthermore, the education minister just took over the job and should be given time to adapt and to change to suit the people. We cannot expect miraculous changes shortly after the minister took over.
